Wednesday, October 1, 2014

3 Types of Computers I Use Most Often

1.  Laptop

I would say that my trust laptop is the computer I use the most.  Especially since starting college, my laptop has acted as my virtual hub for doing homework and staying organized.  I cannot really imagine what it would be like not having a laptop for college work.  Granted, some people are able to pull it off but I would imagine it's much more difficult.  Mine has gotten me through a number of papers, powerpoints and various other homework related projects and I'm sure that will remain the case throughout the course of my education.  I'm especially looking forward to learning Excel in this class, as I have no clue how to do anything in it as of now.  I did try fooling around in it once, but didn't get very far.

The only thing I don't care for much about my laptop is the Windows 8 system.  I feel that the interface would be more suited to a tablet design, or something with a touch screen (which my laptop is not).  I've mostly gotten used to it, but the vast majority of the time I just go straight to the desktop since I'm used to that format.

2.  Android Phone

My cell phone is another computer that I use frequently.  I still remember the days when cell phones folded in half and had retractable antennas and you could only use them to make a phone call.  Now we have touch screens and the ability to video conference with people on the other side of the world from the palm of your hand.

I mostly use my phone for communication.  I definitely text more than I call, unless I feel that a phone call is more appropriate for the situation.  I also have my e-mail linked to it so I can get my e-mails no matter where I'm at, which is useful when an important college-related message pops in.  I also use my phone to check my Facebook periodically throughout the day, but I am not a social media addict by any means.  It's also nice having the ability to look up something online if I wish to do so and I'm not near a computer.  I don't play many games on my phone, but I do enjoy a good game of Words With Friends with a few people.

3.  Playstation 3

Last but not least, my PlayStation 3 system.  Being a college student leaves me very little time to actually use this device currently, but I chose to include it due to the immense amount of time I spent on it before college.  Mine is an original that I've had since they were first released; one of the old "fat" models.  In all these years I have only had a single "yellow light of death" event, which I had fixed and it has ran like a champ ever since.

My gaming interests right now are mostly RPG-focussed.  The Souls series is my hands down favorite, and one of my proudest gaming achievements has been earning the platinum trophy on all 3 souls games (took forever!).  Not a huge fan of shooters unless they're 3rd person; a few years back I was a very dedicated player on Metal Gear Online before the servers were shut down in 2012.

The PS3 has also been somewhat of a social tool via gaming; I have "met" and played with people on various games from all over the U.S. and abroad.  I've developed good friendships with a few people and I still remain in contact with them to this day, despite not being able to spend as much time gaming as before.  These days, I look at getting on the PS3 as a treat instead of a habit.

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