Tuesday, October 14, 2014

4 Free Online Resources for Learning Office

1.  GCF Learn Free

This website features free tutorials for all of the Microsoft Office products.  I looked into the section dedicated to Microsoft Word and they had their tutorials neatly broken down into different categories depending on what kind of task you were trying to accomplish.  Quite a few screen caps of the menus as well which would help in finding the right button for the job.

Address:  http://www.gcflearnfree.org/word2013
Link:  GCF Learn Free Word 2013

2.  Microsoft Office Training

Microsoft's own training section which covers all of their products.  Categories are typically broken down by skill level, ranging from "Beginner" tasks to "Advanced".

Address:  https://support.office.com/en-US/Article/Training-courses-for-Excel-2013-aaae974d-3f47-41d9-895e-97a71c2e8a4a?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
Link:  Training Courses for Excel 2013

3.  MrExcel

They claim to be "Your One Stop For Excel Tips & Solutions" and from what I've seen, that claim definitely looks to be accurate!  A wealth of information on the Excel program.  There is also a Youtube channel that features Excel video tutorials several times per month.

Addresses:  http://www.mrexcel.com/ and http://www.youtube.com/user/bjele123/
Links:  MrExcel and MrExcel on Youtube

4.  Udemy

Udemy offers a free introductory PowerPoint course.  The course is broken down into a series of videos that start with introductory videos and progress to basic functions.  The tutorial does require signing up with an e-mail address but the content is free.  They also offer more advanced courses for a fee if people want to continue their learning.

Address:  https://www.udemy.com/introduction-to-microsoft-powerpoint-2013/?siteID=je6NUbpObpQ-YmBdQlvnd_6JG_XQyKPyiQ&LSNPUBID=je6NUbpObpQ
Link:  Udemy PowerPoint Free Course

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