Wednesday, November 12, 2014

3 Powerful PowerPoint Presentations at TED

Bertrand Piccard: My solar-powered adventure

In this presentation, Bertrand Piccard talks about the challenges of flying a solar-powered aircraft around the world, non-stop, using only solar power and electric motors.  Throughout the presentation he uses a variety of actual photographs and schematics that compliment what he is talking about while not entirely relying on the visual aids to deliver his message.

Erika DeBenedictis: Strategies for fuel-efficient space travel

In this presentation, Erika DeBenedictis talks about different strategies that are being considered to reduce the amount of fuel necessary for a manned mission to Mars.  Her presentation features several diagrams and charts to help her make her case.

Stewart Brand + Mark Z. Jacobson: Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy

This was a rather interesting presentation that was actually a debate between two people on whether or not the world needs nuclear energy.  Both sides of the argument used good visual aids with pictures and charts to present their argument.  It appeared to me that some of the charts were actually created in Excel and imported into PowerPoint; it looked very crisp and professional.

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