Wednesday, November 19, 2014

4 Web Sites I Visit Most Often


I have google set as my default page when I open the Chrome browser, but despite that I still use the search engine enough to make it one of the top web pages I visit.  Google has been an immense help with everything from researching topics for college papers, to looking up pictures, articles and other topics of interest.  Hands down my favorite search engine.



Blackboard is the online interface for most classwork at COCC.  I spend a good deal of time here everyday doing homework assignments, quizzes and the like, and keeping on top of my grades in each class.


Youtube is a great source of content whether you are looking for comedy, researching a subject or just looking at videos of interest.  On the flip side tho, I feel that youtube is equally full of garbage since anyone can upload there, so a certain amount of caution is required.  Still, I find myself going there frequently enough and for the most part I enjoy it.  However, I have to be careful myself because looking for a specific video can often turn into a huge time waster as I eyeball the "Suggested Videos" area based on what I'm currently watching.


My gmail account serves as my hub for all my important college-related and personal e-mail.  It gets checked multiple times daily.  One thing I like is the ease of making labelled folders and organizing your e-mail into them so that if you need to go back and look for an important e-mail, you don't necessarily have to search for a needle in a haystack to find it.

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