Wednesday, November 26, 2014

4 Online Tools That Make Work Easier

Remember The Milk

I actually checked this out for the first time after Ralph told us about it the first week of CIS 120.  Very good multi-purpose organizational tool for scheduling daily, weekly or monthly tasks.  I like that certain tasks can be set to repeat at intervals so you don't have to make multiple entries.  My one complaint about it is the fact that the app version only syncs with your online account if you upgraded to the "pro" version but that's not a huge deal breaker as you can just as easily rely on one or the other.

Google Drive

Google drive is a great way to manage files and not have to worry about where they are physically located.  Files and documents are saved to the cloud, which means they can be accessed anywhere you can get an internet connection without having to worry about portable media such as flash drives.  Another nice feature is that when you're working on a file, it autosaves every few seconds so the chances of losing data is very minimal.  Google drive also allows file sharing between users making group projects easier.

Microsoft One Drive

Similar to Google drive, this is Microsoft's version that also allows cloud storage of files and documents as well as the ability to share them.  After looking into both, I prefer the Google Drive product as I feel it is easier to navigate and perform the functions that you want.


I have not used this yet but it looks like a very promising website/app in which you can organize your notes, to-do lists and various projects to keep everything organized.  From what I can tell there are a few different subscription levels, with the pro levels having additional features such as collaboration and possible file sharing.  It also looks like there's a downloadable app which will sync with the online service, even with the free version.  One cool feature that I would be interested in using is the ability to take pictures and associate that with your notes; this would be a really cool idea for taking class notes, such as taking a picture of something drawn on the white board.

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